Museum Partners
Royal Holloway, University of London, will work with 15 museums as part of the Citizens project, offering partners grants to develop digital resources to tell local stories linked to the project's themes of liberty, protest, rebellion and reform. Here is a list of our current partners and the topics we are exploring with them.
If you represent a museum that would like to take part in the Citizens project please get in touch via the Contact page.

Dorking Museum Museum and Heritage Centre
Dorking, Surrey
Sharing the story of Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence, a leader of the Women's Social and Political Union whose home in South Holmwood became a weekend base for the campaign and convalescence home for women recovering from force-feeding injuries sustained in prison.

Museum of Oxford
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Exploring the impact of the Civil War on Oxford and the role the town played in the conflict, drawing upon objects from the museum's collection such as the Siege of Oxford painting by Jan Wyck (1645-1700).