How to use the Citizens map
Welcome to the Citizens project interactive map. Here you will increasingly find lots of information about the project, starting with the location of our museum partners, sorted according to layers and identifiable by the different types of pins. Click on the slider icon in the top left hand side of the map to reveal the different filters.
Under the 'Local Stories' layer and with blue pins you will find local figures and events identified by our museum partners. Yellow pins represent stories being researched by our U3A Shared Learning Project researchers.
Under the 'Partners' layer you will find information about and links to the organisations which are supporting the Citizens project.
Check back here from time to time as we add more layers and more types of pins.
Suggested additions welcome
The Citizens project is managed by a small team and the map is a work in progress so please do bare with us as this tool is developed over time. If you would like to suggest a pin though please do get in touch with your suggestion via the Contact page, stating 'map suggestion' in the subject line.
Thank you.
Want to become a museum partner?
If you represent a museum that would like to get involved with the Citizens project please get in touch via the Contact page or email